Traveling both at home and abroad requires keeping up with numerous items and documents, not to mention your own personal finances. Keeping all of your personal information in an easy to carry location that you can keep close to you to prevent theft is ideal, which is why there are so many different travel wallets available on the market. The needs of your wallet will depend on whether or not you have a passport you need to present regularly, in addition to your gender.
Travel wallets for men and women are quite different, so choosing a style that is respective of the appropriate gender is almost as important as having a wallet with all of the functions you need in order to make checkpoints and check-ins as painless as possible.
Men who travel usually keep all of their travel documents inside a wallet that folds and is stored in the back pocket of the pants. The problem with this method of storage is that it is not safe. Often times you may not even be aware of someone bumping into you and taking the wallet until it is too late. For this reason, having a travel wallet that is kept close to the body and on a strap will help deter theft and allow you to easily produce identification when asked. Most wallets in this style are leather travel wallets, since they are stylish and not too feminine for a man to carry. For this reason, many travel wallets for men happen to be designed in leather, though you may be able to find some cheaper models that are solely fabric.
One of the nifty features of any travel document wallet is the zipper which is secured around all three sides. This allows you to open it when necessary to allow the authorities access to your passport or other identification, while keeping everything in several easy to handle pouches inside. Travel document wallets also feature a separate pouch for storing coins or pens for easy access as well. An effective travel wallet should have a separate place for your passport, your traveler’s checks and credit cards, a place for your identification to be easily seen and removed if need be, and storage for small items like coins. If you frequently run across tollbooths in your travels, having a few spare coins to feed them can save you travel time as well.
Women’s travel wallets do not differ much from men’s, other than the fact that they are designed to appear more slender and feminine. Where men’s travel wallets might come in black or brown, you can find these wallets designed for women in a variety of colours, including such pastels as baby blue and fuchsia. Women’s wallets can be tucked away in a purse for easy access to all documents in one place, or they can be applied with a strap to ensure the documents are ready at all times. Leather women’s wallets are frequent, though you will find them in fewer colours than fabric wallets. Some of the more popular colours for a woman’s leather wallet include black, brown, and red.
Personalization Options
If you travel frequently, or you have a friend or family member who travels frequently, a wallet designed for travel is one of the best items you can purchase to accompany anyone on a long trip. Since it is used frequently and is often out in the open, having an item, which looks great, can be a great asset to enjoying travel as well. Most travel wallets are designed so that they are made from black fabric or leather, but there are wide varieties of personalization options as well. For those who travel frequently, getting initials embroidered on the wallet serves two purposes. It identifies the wallet as belonging to the owner, as well as making a fashion statement. Other options include a strap that can be attached to the wallet to allow it to be slung over the shoulder, but it is recommended if you plan on carrying your wallet this way, you keep it inside your jacket or coat so it is not exposed and possibly pilfered while you are unaware.
Aside from personalization, ease of use is definitely the main reason to consider purchasing one of these travel wallets. With security tight in many places like airports and bus stations, you never know when you will be required to provide identification. It helps the entire process if you are able to produce it immediately instead of having to dig around in your briefcase or purse to find it. This also enhances the travel experience of those around you, so take that into consideration. Waiting in line for nothing is never fun, which is why having easily accessible information can help speed up the trip.