Parliament House, Delhi

Parliament House Delhi

In the center of the very busy city stands a symbol of the rich architectural heritage and democratic character of India—the beautiful Parliament House. Conceived by the creative architect Bimal Patel, this latest landmark in the Parliamentary complex integrates beautifully with the old-world romanticism of Central Vista.

Architecture of Parliament House

When you take a step closer, a net of elaborate details opens in front of your eyes. Every part of the building narrates a vital episode of India variegated architecture and intricate workmanship. This amazing architectural creation, juxtaposed with its elder siblings, the Parliament Library and the Parliament Annexed, gives way to the Sansad Sankul - a splendid assemblage of the most spectacular monuments of the Parliament.

Stretched out over an area of 10.5 acres, the new Parliament building is an embodiment of the contemporary and the traditional. The areas inside the building of the Parliament envelope the chambers of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha and the Constitution Hall, galleries, and ceremonial entrances. Along the way, the construction process was not without problems; the pandemic, which kept a big shadow, became the cause of the delays which started in January 2021.

In fact, despite these obstacles, the building still stands strong, a symbol of both resilience and vision. Its design stands for longevity, a striking feature expected to accommodate the diverse needs of future governments. The spot where parking and service infrastructure used to be has now become the focal point, a majestic and symbolic edifice dedicated to democracy.

What to see

Step inside and you will unfold a wealth of symbolism in every facet of the interior. Sparked by the national symbol Peacock and the national flower Lotus, the chambers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha turn into a lively repository of shades and motifs. And so national symbolism and pride are reflected in everything starting from decor to the smallest details like skillfully carved doors ending with magnificent carpet woven exquisitely.

History of Parliament House

To meet the growing needs of India’s parliamentary democracy, the new parliament house is designed by Bimal Patel. It is equipped with modern amenities and enhanced safety features. The historical significance of the existing Parliament House is kept intact. The new parliamentary building is created to improve the infrastructure for parliamentary proceedings and administrative functions. Over here, history seems to hum in every niche, invoking the birth of a republic. Staring upwards the skylight lights up the space that is surrounded by a mural of the celestial scene of January 26th, 1950 – the sunrise that started India new Constitution.

The pendulum swings back and forth, always in our sight as we walk together and the stars above represent the relentless advance of our nation. Its universal rhythm syncing with the planet spin is a beautiful metaphor for time passing and democracy consistency. However, under this, a mosaic ground with the coordinates of Delhi location on the globe has been carefully set to remind us of our position in the universe as we look at the sky.

Each turn the edifice of the new Parliament is a reminder of the architectural mastery, and even more, of India indomitable soul and the will to adhere to democracy. It not only symbolizes our past, but also lights up our future, and reminds us about the values that define us as a nation.

Quick Information

Location of Parliament House Sansad Marg, Gokul Nagar New Delhi (Near the old Parliament Building)
Type Iconic Government Landmark
Nearest Metro Station Central Secretariat Metro Station, Udyog Bhawan Metro station
Entry A special Visitor Pass is required to visit Parliament House.
Documents needed Aadhar Card, Photo, and Police Clearance Certificate

Parliament House - Special Highlights

  • Symbol of Indian democracy: Parliament House
  • Unique spherical architecture with three semicircular chambers
  • Houses Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, and a central library
  • Beautiful gardens, fountains, and intricate sandstone boundary wall
  • Historical significance: The Constitution of India drafted here; requires official permission for the visit

Things to do near Parliament House

  • Explore the diversity of India cultural and religious heritage at the National Museum, the greatest in the country, located near Parliament House.
  • Learn the splendor of the door windows fine stone decorations that can leave you entranced with their stunning appearance.
  • Discover the imperial charisma of Humayun’s Tomb and its lush green lawns, capturing beautiful fountains for your photography backgrounds.
  • Taste the culinary experience at Sagar Ratna Restaurant which is nearby along with a wide menu choosing from North and South Indian cuisines.

How to Reach Parliament House - Ways to Reach

Parliament House Transportation Details
Flight Indira Gandhi International Airport
Train New Delhi Railway Station and Old Delhi Railway Station
Road DTC Buses, Car, and Cabs within Delhi
Nearest Metro Route Central Secretariat Metro Station and Udyog Bhawan Metro Station